Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Need a break.

Well this week had just been more of the same. One suck out after another followed by a long grind back to even. I have played a little over 1000 hands and I am down $4.00. I think I am going to give cash games a break for a while and play some sngs for the rest of the month. I run about 20% ROI in those and I really need the boost to my confidence as well my desire. I will post the results here. That's all I got.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thank God its over.

I pretty much bit the big one this week. I lost 4 buy ins out of the 5 I won the week before. I really am playing badly.

I dabbled a bit in 10NL short handed and lost $35 in a little over 1300 hands. Some of this was variance for sure. I took 3 bad beats but that's life.

I then proceeded to lose the rest playing my regular game. I review some of my hands and looked at every hand I lost $5.00 or more and I played them badly. Those hands coupled with some coolers it what costs me.

Since I already made Silver Star this month and will not make gold I have decided to lower my volume and only play 4 tables. I plan to concentrate on reads, playing in position and fixing some leaks.

One leak is playing low pocket pairs out of position in a raised pot. The only way I can win this hand is hit my set. If I simply fold these hands I would save alot of money. I should only play these hands in position as I have a chance to steal the pot if the raiser checks the flop or I can float and bluff a good turn.

Same with big Aces. I plan to play them timid early and more aggressive later. Position, Position, Position!!!!! I have it in my head now.

Here is some numbers for you. I have played 25,000 hands of 25NL. In the last 21,000 I have won $80 playing 8 tables. In the first 4000 hands I played 4 tables and won $130. Yeah, playing more tables is not winning poker for me. I will move back down to 4 for the rest of the month. So if I extrapolate playing 8 tables has cost me $450 in profit.

Live and learn.

Current bankroll $590.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tough week!

This week is off to a rough start. I have dropped 1.5 buyins in the first two days. So now to meet this weeks minimum goal is to make 5.5 buyins over the next 5 nights. I know I can do it. I am 2.75BB/100 through 23,000 hands. I had this over 3 at the end of the first week.

As an addendum to my rules, if for any reason I get up 1 buyin quick I will quit. I never can seem to build on this I always lose this back then end up either down or 1 buyin again 2 hours later, why waste the time.

Also I would like to go on a heater, and by heater I mean just make my 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 hands hold up. I am good with that. My plan is to get to 30k hands after Sunday nights session, so I am going to have to play about 1400 hands a night that's going to be tough.

Monday, March 8, 2010

20k Hands, Houston we have a problem.

This last week I passed 20k hands at 25NL, to be more specific 21,455 hands. I am such an addict. Not really, but pretty close. I am running 3.31BB/100 which is pretty good. I would like this to be above 4 but the nose dive I took last month hurt that.

I made $118 this week in about 5300 hands which is my weekly goal. I am working on plugging some leaks and when I do that and play about 50k hands I will think about moving to 50NL.

Two major leaks I have found are: Completing the SB to frequently. There are a couple of scenarios with this. For example everyone folds to me, I was generally completing and would fold to a raise or I would play a bad hand out of position. I am now either folding or raising but never limping, unless of course I have something huge and I know the BB is a bully, I will go for the check raise.

The other leak is calling off when I have TPTK against a fairly tight player. For example I raise with AK and get a call from the blinds. The flop is A63 rainbow and the SB leads out. I don't mind floating this or even raising but if he continues to bet the turn and the river each with bigger bets I need to realize I was out flopped and fold. In this case the guy has A6 and yes I paid him.

Current bank roll $676, I hope to run that to $800 this week and play 5000 hands.

End of the month projections $1000 in the bank roll. 35,000 total hands played at 25NL. I will be looking to move up sometime in April with a bankroll of $1100 - $1200.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to Even

I made back all my losses for this month. Now I can start making some profits. A couple of big hands helped me do it, but first the bad beat.

I picked up AA under the gun. I decided I would limp because there were a couple of yahoos punishing limpers in late position. The Button raised 4BB, it folds to me and I decided to shove. He of course snap calls with QhJh. The flop brings 2 hearts and the river one more. Nice down $13 on that hand.

I grind my way back and pick up QQ in early position. I raised get 3 callers. The flop is Qh3x6h. I decided to protect my hand and pot it. The middle two guys fold, the last guy reraises me. Well I have the nuts, its going to go all in and I am saying to myself I hope he has a set because I know I am drawing dead. I say this because I know the flush will hit, but I digress. He calls and shows 66. Ironically, the turn and river are both hearts.

I picked up KK on the button with 4 limpers I raise 6BB get one caller from a super tight passive guy. The flop was Qxx rainbow. He checks I bet $4.00 and he calls. The turn was an Ace he checks I bet $4.00 again. The river is another Q and he shoves his stack. I think about what he has here and I figure I am beat and lay down the Kings.

Anyways 1k hands last night, got back to even for the month. Current online bankroll $554

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Challenge Cash Games Baby Cash Games

Current Bankroll $554 on stars. The plan to play 8k hands a week with a 4-6 buy in profit each week at 25NL.

I have played 16k hands at 25NL with a profit of 2.45BB/100. I went on a bad run at the end of the last month and dropped 8 buy ins over 4 days in about 4k hands. I could have prevented 4 of that with my stop loss that I ignored. Yeah lesson learned on that one. So I figured I would start blogging again so it will force me to review hands and get better, it has always worked in the past.

First night back down $20 over 1000 hands. I really didn't get to many hands or get into situations where I could stack someone. I have decided to open my range in position vs a EP raiser with Suited Connectors. My rational is I do this with pocket pairs looking to hit a set, I might as well do this with Suited Connectors and if I flop a combo draw play for my whole stack.

So last night I decided to put my plan in action and call a preflop raise vs a huge stack and a very loose player, cocky player with Ts9s, he was playing 60% of his hands. The flop came 2s8cJs so I flopped a flush and straight draw. I put him on AJish type hand . We end up getting it all in on the flop and he turns over As6s the turn is a 8 of spade giving me one out the Qs to win. I of course miss and that was my night in a nutshell.

So this week will be an uphill battle. I need to win 5 buy ins to meet my goals now.