Monday, February 23, 2009

Its been a week.

I know it's been awhile, a week to be exact. I have been sick all week and only playing a few cash games. I lost 4 sngs on Stars early last week and decided to grind it back playing the 25nl tables. It took a few nights but I got it back.

Yesterday I played 4 sngs on FT, I won one so I scored a big 50 cent profit. I had KK beat by AT twice and ran my flopped two pair into another flopped two pair. Bank roll sitting at $297.00. I am down about 8 buyins but I hope to get those back and finish the month around $350.

Yesterday I played 4 sngs on PS. I finished with 2 sngs and one 3rd for a $13.50 profit. One heads up I was way behind and couldn't come back, the other the guy hit a flush on the river after we got it all in on the flop. Oh well. I did hit two straight flushes in this session, one a Jack high and the other a ROYAL baby. Bankroll $513, up $10 this month.

Total this month down $30, considering how I have been running and not playing that much its not too bad. I am going to see a doctor today, hopefully get some medicine and be back to playing more poker by the weekend.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Still Running Bad

This month has been incredible, I must have the Midas touch, well maybe the opposite because everything I touch poker wise is turning to shit. So I dropped down on FT to the $2.25 played 8 sngs.

1. I had KK pushed all in got called by QQ, flopped Q, but that was ok..Not really but I was still in it. Then I flopped a J high flush we get it all in and they guy makes a bigger flush on the turn. out 8th

2. QQ vs AT vs 89, I flop a set, AT flops two pair, so the board is AQT, the turn a blank, the river a J and 89 wins. Yeah I run good. out 7th

3. KJ vs A3 I flop K, he turns 3, rivers Aces, Yeah, I am not kidding, out 5th.

4. JJ vs TT rivers T, Then I flop top two, the donk calls with a runner runner flush, and hits it. out 2nd

5. 1st, wow, I finally won one, AK vs AT and my hand holds up.

6. JJ vs AA cooler, wonder why I never hit these out 4th.

7. Short stacked pushed A5 ran into AJ, yep cant hit these, but had it been the reverse I am sure I would have still lost. out 3rd At least its the money.

8. A9 vs A7 he hits the 7, out 3rd.

So with the mighty profit of $3.60 and my bankroll over 300 I fired up 6 $5.50. So here is the blow by blow.

1. Ak vs JJ missed, lost coin toss, oh well.
2. KQ vs 37 I flop top, he hit 37 on the flop, who calls this preflop.
3. KK vs AA, what can you do, I dont fold KK preflop to these donks.
4. AK vs J9, yes he called and hit trips, maybe he works for FT, his name wasn't in red so maybe he has super powers.
5. AK vs AT, cripples me, AQ vs 88 vs 67 flop top two, turns 8.
6. A7 vs 53, yes he called with 53, I hit the Ace he hits two pair. I did get 3rd.

So I jump on stars and play 4 more 5.50 figured it would all work out, boy was I wrong.
1. TT vs JJ, out 5th.
2. A7 vs A5, you know it, rivers the 5.
3. Q9 vs A2, how he called with A2 preflop I have know idea, at best with this hand your 3/2 favorite, let me stress that again at best your 3/2 favorite, in most cases you have 3 outs. Any who I hit the Q on the flop and he rivers the Ace.
5. 77 vs KQ vs 8T, I lost.

Played some cash on FT and won $18.00 so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. Down $6 on the night. FT bankroll $295.

Down $22.00 on Stars bankroll at $480.

I am not sure what I am going to do, I am running bad, when I should be crushing these games. I may have to take a few days off and regroup. I know you have to run bad; its part of the game. It just seems like this happens every 6 weeks or so. I crush the game for 6 weeks, then for two weeks I run bad, very bad, lose every race, every all in situation its horrible. I lost confidence in my game, but the hand histories show I am way ahead when the money goes in. I can handle losing all the races, just let me win when I have the other guy dominated, but I am losing those too. I almost expect to get beat and that means I have to stay away from the game for a while. I guess I am going to take the next 3 days off and just not worry about the game.

On a side note, I start my diet, get healthy or what ever you call it for the summer. I am hoping to run a 5k by may. I will blog my workout stuff in here too, not that anyone cares or even reads my blog.

Weight as of today 235, wow that's a big boy.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Running very very bad!

I am running so bad, its just sick. I know it happens, I know it will get better, and I know it will happened again.

Played two sets of 4 on FT:

Set 1: 1 cash for 3rd -$13.50
1. I flopped nut flush, we get it in guy turns boat out 7th
2. Had the SS all in 3 times drawing to 3 outs each time, he hit everyone out 3rd
3. AK vs AT, hits 4 flush out 5th
4. AK vs K6 rivers 6 out 6th

Set 2: 1 cash again 3rd -13.50
1. AQ vs TT was short so I pushed and missed out 7th I go short because I had this guy all in 3 times QQ vs AT twice and he hit the Aced and AK vs KT and he hit the Ten.
2. AJ vs Q6o come on how do u call this out 5th.
3. I was short so I pushed A7 ran into AJ and of course I cant hit.
4. Short again pushed A7 ran into AT and of course I cant hit.

If you cant sense my tone, its sarcasm. I really don't expect to hit those 3 outers but they sure has hell seem to hit on me a lot, so why cant I.

Poker stars 2 sets of 4.

Set 1: one cash for 2nd. Big woot there.
1. A8 vs 77 I hit we get it all in, he calls turns set. out 5th
2. Short pushed 89 suited, vs KK, bad timing, out 6th.
3. out 2nd 98 vs AJ I flopped two pair, he rivers str8.
4. AK vs QJ, you know what happens out 7th.

Set 2. Made some money. 3 out of 4 cashes 1st, 2nd, 3rd. I am figuring its turning around.

1. KJ vs KQ I miss out 6th.
2. KK vs AJ he hits out 3rd, another 3 outer.
3. 1st, I had him 12k to 1.5k in chips I am in the BB with 97s he pushed I called hit str8. I know it sounds like a suck out but really it wasnt. Blinds were 300/600 I had to call I was getting 2 to 1 and I put him on Ax so I figured I was getting the right price to call. He had AJ do the math you will see I was right.
4. A9 vs JT he hit out 2nd.

So thinking it was good, I decided to drop -16.00 in a cash game, largely do to AA vs KK all in preflop and he turned a King.

I run so good. I was planing on playing some MTTs tomorrow, but I am just running to bad and the reality is I believe the donks are going to hit, so its time for a break.

FT Bankroll $298, was $336 so basically I have $34.00 or 6 buyins this week, I think after the break I will start out playing some $2.25 to get my confidence back. If I get back up to about $315, I will jump to the $5.50 again.

PS Bankroll 503, just break even, which sucks. Not sure what to do here I have 100 buyins so I guess I will continue with $5.50s and see how it goes.

I will most likely take the weekend off, look through some hand histories and start back up fresh on Monday.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Coolers, I hate them

Tonight was awful, I played 4 on FT and 4 on PS and just had terrible coolers, and suck outs. So I decided to stop. I really need to play more when I am running well, vs running bad.

FT cashed 1 for 4 3rd place. I lost every race had AK vs KJ I flop top two he hits straight. I had A9 vs A7 he hit 7 took me out 4th. Bank roll $323.

PS one cash again for 2nd. A8 vs 77, I hit he re hit, ouch.. AK vs QJ he rivers Jack.
Bank roll $495.

My first negative night in a while, I know I will have them and I am sure it will turn around. I am taking tomorrow off. Will be back playing on Wednesday. I need to get something started. Maybe playing on two sites each night is the wrong I idea. Maybe I should just rotate sites each night or two. I will think about that.

A slow climb, short post

I played 4 sngs this weekend on FT cashed in 3. one 2nd and two 3rds. +$9.50 I also got my rake back $20 on FT bringing my bankroll to $336. I believe now I am sufficiently rolled for the $5.50.

I also played 4 sngs this weekend on PS, cashed in one for 1st. I am up $1.50 in 16 sngs on Stars. At least is positive. Bank roll $503

Now that I am better. I plan to play a bunch more.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Slow start this month

I am off to a slow start this month. I have won $10.50 in 12 sngs on FT, all of that profit came from last night. I went 3/4 for a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. So far I have a 15% ROI and ITM 50%, not too shabby after the slow start. Current FT bankroll $306.

PS is not going as well, I am up $1.00 through 8 sngs, two 2nds and two 3rds. I am 50% ITM though which is good, I just need to move up one spot, I finished in 4th 3 times all to 3 outers so if I can hit just one of those, it would be a much better profit.

Down a few bucks in some cash games on PS too, I had my KK vs TT busted, AA vs KT busted and out of all that I am only down $3 which is less than the blinds. I will probably put in some time this weekend and see if I can play about 50 sngs over both sights. Current PS bankroll $503.

Will continue to play $5.50 for the rest of the month and also play a bit more on FT to attempt to get both bankrolls to the same amount before March.

I am scheduled to play some live Deep stack events in March and hopefully they will be profitable.

Monday, February 2, 2009

New Month New Goals

Last month I got my FT roll from $100 to $290 thanks to a $3rd place MTT that scored me $90 in profit. I played that same MTT Friday hoping for another big score, its pretty soft in my opinion. Well I scored, but it was the minimum paid top 45 busted out 43 when my AQ ran into A5 all in preflop and he hit. The sad part was if I win this hand I go deep, my stack would have been top 4. Oh well I will try again this week.

FT Bankroll $290 going to take a shot at $5.50
PS Bankroll $505 going to play $5.50

First night not so good. I playd 4 on FT and 4 on PS. I am not sure that is such a good idea I think I may just need to play all 8 on one site each night.

FT 1 out of 3 for 3rd place I flopped top two we got it in, he caught flush on river. -$13 for the night. I hope to get this back plus a small profit tonight.

99 vs 33 out 5th could have make this a more profitable or less "lostable" not really a word, but oh well thats how it goes.

PS 2 out of 4, for a 2nd and 3rd for +.50 big score here. I placed 4th in the other 2.

Also I noticed Poker Tracker doesnt import tournies for PS, going to have to use my spread sheet and that really sucks. I guess you can ask for the tourny results then import but I am not sure that is going to work.

I hope tonight goes better. I would love to get my FT roll over $300 tonight and go from there.