Sunday, August 29, 2010

Rush 50NL

So I have $400 in my account at FT I am going to see how far I can go with this. I always seem to do better when I blog my results. Maybe its because I pay more attention. My plan is to get to $500 before the holiday weekend and then start from there. I plan to withdraw every 2 weeks and build up my roll keeping only 10 buy ins online.

I don't plan to put in a ton of volume, something like 200 to 300 hands per night. I am hoping to play about 10 hours per week, and study about 30% of my plan time each week and do a review of my play from the previous day.

Wish me luck.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Rush Poker

Bankroll $192.

I have played about 900 hands of Rush Poker and am up one buy in at 10NL. I still have not decided if I like it or not. The volume of hands are nice, but its hard to get a read on people because as soon as you fold your off to another hand.

I am moving up to the $5.50 Sngs now and hope after one month to be back grinding $11s.

I still have a step 3 ticket I need to move along. Hopefully this weekend.

I am off.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just an update

Bankroll $164

I have gotten $12 of that in rack back. That's not to bad. I have played 17 tourneys this month a mix of 9 man and heads up. I am 6 for 6 heads up, these guys at the $2 level are pretty weak and passive. I have I am finally positive in the $2.25 9 mans showing 14.29% over 14 sngs and have some confidence back.

My ROI at the $5.50 is sick 3.16%, but I hope to start playing more than those since I have 30 buyins now.

I also have a step 3 ticket so that's and additional $26 in my bankroll. I plan to play a step 4 and see how that goes.

Not much more than that. Hope to grind it out this month and be back to playing $11s by June.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More of the same old suck outs

Bankroll $101.

I had my bankroll up to $121 but I dropped another $21 tonight. I played 4 $2.25. I missed in everyone. I can't seem to win a race no matter what side I am on. Unfortunately winning those races is huge for your ROI. I hope I start running well soon. Oh an by running well I mean winning 50% of my races, no wait just win 30% of those and I would be killing this freaking game. May is just around the corner so I hope to have a better month.

I have also dropped $20 over 2k hands playing 10NL. I am really beginning to think I am bad at this game. I am starting to think I should move up where they respect my raises but that is just stupid, I want more fish to play with. I am just running bad in these hands too. MY AA and KK hands are getting cracked, I a missing my big draws and hands I dominate are hitting on me.

I just need the variance monster to go away or have Full Tilt turn off the doom switch off. My conspiracy theorist in me is thinking with the legislation going into effect soon they are just serving me up these beats so I go broke then they don't have to pay me and I wont be able to deposit.

Anyways, maybe I should take the next few days off and just relax and start back up in May.

10 days of break even poker sucks the big one.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Same Same Same

Current Bankroll $98.50.

I lost a about $25 this weekend playing 10NL. Thanks for the suck outs Full Tilt. I did recover some of the winnings playin 6 sngs last night. I am still down in the $5.50s but only a few buyins now.

I played 2 $1.10 45 man sngs and scooped a win out of won for a net of $15.00. I plan to just play SNGS until this weekend then see what will happend hopefully I will take off. I am currently one week behind schedule.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Current Bankroll $101.

Played 8 last night with 2 min cashes. I took 2 terrible beats on the bubble.

Interestingly enough I have 9 bubble finishes in 25 games. Of those I have been 70/30 favorite 3 times, 30/70 dog once and flipped 5 times. I am not running particularly good. Overall I am down $7.00 over the 25 sngs. I hope something changes soon. I plan to play at least 25 this weekend.

I did win $9.00 in the 10NL game so thats at least positive.

5 days into this and I am break even so far.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Moved back to Full Tilt

So, I pulled my roll of of Poker Stars and moved back to Full Tilt. I did this for two reasons. First I get rake back at Full Tilt and right now that is more than the FFPs at Poker Stars. Secondly I am not thrilled with the new buy in amounts at Poker Stars.

So my challenge is to deposit $100 on FT and when I get 20 buy ins for the next level I will take the shot. My current bankroll is sitting a $2k so I don't really see this as a problem, I just want to get back into SNGs and Tourneys.

$500 (HEEB)
Stake $100.
Rules :

5% for STT I feel I have a good edge in these.
2% for MTTs ( <= 45 man)
1% for MTTs (> 45 man)

Start Date: April 18th
End Date: May 18th.

Cash out $200 when I get to $500 evanluate where to go from here.

17 $5.50 9-man $20

Current Bankroll $120

Thursday, April 1, 2010

End of the month....Thank Goodness

Is there any goodness left? After the month I have had I am beginning to doubt it. This month I played close to 15k hands and lost about $15. Good news is I played about 30 $5.50 sngs and won $100 so this month I increased my roll by $100. I don't know if I am running bad or just bad at cash games.

This months plan is to play 40 sngs a week and about 2k-3k hands cash but I am going to drop down and play 10NL and work on my game. I want to also start playing 6 handed So I might try and play about 2k hands of this during the month. When I win 10 buyins in the 10NL game I will move back up to 25NL. I also plan on using the same rules for 6 handed when I win 10 buyins there I will move up to 25NL 6 handed. My SNG play should allow me to have a winning month an try and make $100-$200 for this month.

Wish me luck.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Need a break.

Well this week had just been more of the same. One suck out after another followed by a long grind back to even. I have played a little over 1000 hands and I am down $4.00. I think I am going to give cash games a break for a while and play some sngs for the rest of the month. I run about 20% ROI in those and I really need the boost to my confidence as well my desire. I will post the results here. That's all I got.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Thank God its over.

I pretty much bit the big one this week. I lost 4 buy ins out of the 5 I won the week before. I really am playing badly.

I dabbled a bit in 10NL short handed and lost $35 in a little over 1300 hands. Some of this was variance for sure. I took 3 bad beats but that's life.

I then proceeded to lose the rest playing my regular game. I review some of my hands and looked at every hand I lost $5.00 or more and I played them badly. Those hands coupled with some coolers it what costs me.

Since I already made Silver Star this month and will not make gold I have decided to lower my volume and only play 4 tables. I plan to concentrate on reads, playing in position and fixing some leaks.

One leak is playing low pocket pairs out of position in a raised pot. The only way I can win this hand is hit my set. If I simply fold these hands I would save alot of money. I should only play these hands in position as I have a chance to steal the pot if the raiser checks the flop or I can float and bluff a good turn.

Same with big Aces. I plan to play them timid early and more aggressive later. Position, Position, Position!!!!! I have it in my head now.

Here is some numbers for you. I have played 25,000 hands of 25NL. In the last 21,000 I have won $80 playing 8 tables. In the first 4000 hands I played 4 tables and won $130. Yeah, playing more tables is not winning poker for me. I will move back down to 4 for the rest of the month. So if I extrapolate playing 8 tables has cost me $450 in profit.

Live and learn.

Current bankroll $590.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Tough week!

This week is off to a rough start. I have dropped 1.5 buyins in the first two days. So now to meet this weeks minimum goal is to make 5.5 buyins over the next 5 nights. I know I can do it. I am 2.75BB/100 through 23,000 hands. I had this over 3 at the end of the first week.

As an addendum to my rules, if for any reason I get up 1 buyin quick I will quit. I never can seem to build on this I always lose this back then end up either down or 1 buyin again 2 hours later, why waste the time.

Also I would like to go on a heater, and by heater I mean just make my 3 to 1 and 4 to 1 hands hold up. I am good with that. My plan is to get to 30k hands after Sunday nights session, so I am going to have to play about 1400 hands a night that's going to be tough.

Monday, March 8, 2010

20k Hands, Houston we have a problem.

This last week I passed 20k hands at 25NL, to be more specific 21,455 hands. I am such an addict. Not really, but pretty close. I am running 3.31BB/100 which is pretty good. I would like this to be above 4 but the nose dive I took last month hurt that.

I made $118 this week in about 5300 hands which is my weekly goal. I am working on plugging some leaks and when I do that and play about 50k hands I will think about moving to 50NL.

Two major leaks I have found are: Completing the SB to frequently. There are a couple of scenarios with this. For example everyone folds to me, I was generally completing and would fold to a raise or I would play a bad hand out of position. I am now either folding or raising but never limping, unless of course I have something huge and I know the BB is a bully, I will go for the check raise.

The other leak is calling off when I have TPTK against a fairly tight player. For example I raise with AK and get a call from the blinds. The flop is A63 rainbow and the SB leads out. I don't mind floating this or even raising but if he continues to bet the turn and the river each with bigger bets I need to realize I was out flopped and fold. In this case the guy has A6 and yes I paid him.

Current bank roll $676, I hope to run that to $800 this week and play 5000 hands.

End of the month projections $1000 in the bank roll. 35,000 total hands played at 25NL. I will be looking to move up sometime in April with a bankroll of $1100 - $1200.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Back to Even

I made back all my losses for this month. Now I can start making some profits. A couple of big hands helped me do it, but first the bad beat.

I picked up AA under the gun. I decided I would limp because there were a couple of yahoos punishing limpers in late position. The Button raised 4BB, it folds to me and I decided to shove. He of course snap calls with QhJh. The flop brings 2 hearts and the river one more. Nice down $13 on that hand.

I grind my way back and pick up QQ in early position. I raised get 3 callers. The flop is Qh3x6h. I decided to protect my hand and pot it. The middle two guys fold, the last guy reraises me. Well I have the nuts, its going to go all in and I am saying to myself I hope he has a set because I know I am drawing dead. I say this because I know the flush will hit, but I digress. He calls and shows 66. Ironically, the turn and river are both hearts.

I picked up KK on the button with 4 limpers I raise 6BB get one caller from a super tight passive guy. The flop was Qxx rainbow. He checks I bet $4.00 and he calls. The turn was an Ace he checks I bet $4.00 again. The river is another Q and he shoves his stack. I think about what he has here and I figure I am beat and lay down the Kings.

Anyways 1k hands last night, got back to even for the month. Current online bankroll $554

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Challenge Cash Games Baby Cash Games

Current Bankroll $554 on stars. The plan to play 8k hands a week with a 4-6 buy in profit each week at 25NL.

I have played 16k hands at 25NL with a profit of 2.45BB/100. I went on a bad run at the end of the last month and dropped 8 buy ins over 4 days in about 4k hands. I could have prevented 4 of that with my stop loss that I ignored. Yeah lesson learned on that one. So I figured I would start blogging again so it will force me to review hands and get better, it has always worked in the past.

First night back down $20 over 1000 hands. I really didn't get to many hands or get into situations where I could stack someone. I have decided to open my range in position vs a EP raiser with Suited Connectors. My rational is I do this with pocket pairs looking to hit a set, I might as well do this with Suited Connectors and if I flop a combo draw play for my whole stack.

So last night I decided to put my plan in action and call a preflop raise vs a huge stack and a very loose player, cocky player with Ts9s, he was playing 60% of his hands. The flop came 2s8cJs so I flopped a flush and straight draw. I put him on AJish type hand . We end up getting it all in on the flop and he turns over As6s the turn is a 8 of spade giving me one out the Qs to win. I of course miss and that was my night in a nutshell.

So this week will be an uphill battle. I need to win 5 buy ins to meet my goals now.